Saturday 30 March 2019

Early Detection of Kidney Cancer: How to recognize the first signs?

Cancer is the dreaded word that can turn anyone’s world upside down. Not just the patients themselves, cancer can be life-changing for everyone around them. But thanks to the progress of modern medicine, cancer should not be so scary anymore. Although a total cure has not been discovered until now, early detection of any kind of cancer can mean a remission and a longer, healthier life for the patient.

As long as urological cancers are considered, kidney cancer is called the silent killer as the symptoms are not so visible in the early stages. Kidney cancer is also quite rare when compared to other types of cancers. When detected in the earliest stages, this can be almost entirely cured with effective Kidney Cancer Treatment options in Nigeria, and the patients can get back to their normal routine faster. But the not so prominent symptoms associated with the disease makes it hard to detect.

Who is at risk?  
Although most of the times the exact cause of kidney cancer cannot be determined, it is more prevalent in people over the age of 60. Apart from that, there are few factors that may put you at risk of developing kidney cancer.
  • Smoking cigarettes do not only make you vulnerable to lung cancer, but it also increases the risk of kidney cancer.
  • Obese people are more prone to developing kidney cancer. 
  • You will be at an increased risk of kidney cancer if you are suffering from high blood pressure. 
  • People suffering from chronic kidney disease and undergoing dialysis for a long time may develop kidney cancer. 
  • If you have a family history of the disease you are at an increased risk of developing kidney cancer. 
  • Kidney cancer is more common among older males, rather than females.

How to spot the early signs of kidney cancer?  
In the early stages, kidney cancer produces almost no visible symptom or extremely subtle symptoms that can be easily missed by the patient. Most of the symptoms produced by kidney cancer are visible when the disease has advanced already, thus making early detection difficult. Most people are diagnosed during routine tests for some other conditions. However, you can keep a close eye on some of the signs mentioned below and contact your physician if you experience any of them.
Blood in the urine is an important symptom of kidney cancer. But it can be the symptom of other diseases like kidney stones or urinary tract infections as well. Sometimes bladder cancer produces the same symptom too. So always consult your Urologist immediately if you start experiencing this symptom. There are plenty of Bladder Cancer Treatment specialists in Nigeria to consult with.
  • A persisting pain in lower back or side.If you can feel any growth near your abdomen or side back or lower back.
  •  A persisting fever.
  • Night sweats and fatigue.
  • An overall sensation of being sick that does not go away.
  • Sudden weight loss without exercising or dieting.
  • Swelling of ankles.
It is important to remember that any of these symptoms do not always mean you are suffering from kidney cancer. Many other diseases also produce the same symptoms. Once you contact your Urologist you will be advised to undergo all the necessary tests to determine your exact ailment.

For advanced Kidney Cancer Treatment at the best super Speciality facility in Abuja, Nigeria consider Primus International Super Speciality Hospital. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to urological cancer you can rely on their state-of-the-art infrastructure, to get the correct diagnosis. With excellent doctors and advanced methods of Bladder Cancer Treatment available in Abuja at Primus, you will surely be in good hands.

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Early Detection of Kidney Cancer: How to recognize the first signs?

Cancer is the dreaded word that can turn anyone’s world upside down. Not just the patients themselves, cancer can be life-changing for everyone around them. But thanks to the progress of modern medicine, cancer should not be so scary anymore. Although a total cure has not been discovered until now, early detection of any kind of cancer can mean a remission and a longer, healthier life for the patient.

As long as urological cancers are considered, kidney cancer is called the silent killer as the symptoms are not so visible in the early stages. Kidney cancer is also quite rare when compared to other types of cancers. When detected in the earliest stages, this can be almost entirely cured with effective Kidney Cancer Treatment options in Nigeria, and the patients can get back to their normal routine faster. But the not so prominent symptoms associated with the disease makes it hard to detect.
Who is at risk?
Although most of the times the exact cause of kidney cancer cannot be determined, it is more prevalent in people over the age of 60. Apart from that, there are few factors that may put you at risk of developing kidney cancer.
·         Smoking cigarettes do not only make you vulnerable to lung cancer, but it also increases the risk of kidney cancer.
·         Obese people are more prone to developing kidney cancer.
·         You will be at an increased risk of kidney cancer if you are suffering from high blood pressure.
·         People suffering from chronic kidney disease and undergoing dialysis for a long time may develop kidney cancer.
·         If you have a family history of the disease you are at an increased risk of developing kidney cancer.
·         Kidney cancer is more common among older males, rather than females.
How to spot the early signs of kidney cancer?
In the early stages, kidney cancer produces almost no visible symptom or extremely subtle symptoms that can be easily missed by the patient. Most of the symptoms produced by kidney cancer are visible when the disease has advanced already, thus making early detection difficult. Most people are diagnosed during routine tests for some other conditions. However, you can keep a close eye on some of the signs mentioned below and contact your physician if you experience any of them.
Blood in the urine is an important symptom of kidney cancer. But it can be the symptom of other diseases like kidney stones or urinary tract infections as well. Sometimes bladder cancer produces the same symptom too. So always consult your Urologist immediately if you start experiencing this symptom. There are plenty of Bladder Cancer Treatment specialists in Nigeria to consult with.
·         A persisting pain in lower back or side.
·         If you can feel any growth near your abdomen or side back or lower back.
·         A persisting fever.
·         Night sweats and fatigue.
·         An overall sensation of being sick that does not go away.
·         Sudden weight loss without exercising or dieting.
·         Swelling of ankles.

It is important to remember that any of these symptoms do not always mean you are suffering from kidney cancer. Many other diseases also produce the same symptoms. Once you contact your Urologist you will be advised to undergo all the necessary tests to determine your exact ailment.
For advanced Kidney Cancer Treatment at the best super Speciality facility in Abuja, Nigeria consider Primus International Super Speciality Hospital. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms related to urological cancer you can rely on their state-of-the-art infrastructure, to get the correct diagnosis. With excellent doctors and advanced methods of Bladder Cancer Treatment available in Abuja at Primus, you will surely be in good hands.
Original Source:

Monday 11 March 2019

Obesity or being excessively overweight can be the cause of many lifestyle diseases like diabetes, thyroid, high blood pressure, heart diseases, and even cancer. To add to that, being obese can be extremely detrimental to the mental health of a person. Obesity can severely disrupt a person’s daily life and leave them depressed.

Most doctors suggest making lifestyle changes to control obesity. However, obesity cannot always be managed by exercising and dieting alone, especially if the person has other ailments like diabetes and heart disease. In such cases, weight loss surgery stands to be the best solution.

Obesity is not just a cosmetic concern; it is a serious medical condition that needs proper treatment. For people suffering from morbid obesity, getting treated at the Best Hospital for Bariatric surgery procedure in Nigeria can be the key to a healthier and longer life.

Who should go for weight loss surgery?
If you are unable to manage obesity and suffering from other associated ailments, a weight loss surgery can prove to be life altering for you. However, you will need to contact our General Surgeon to determine the proper procedure of treatment as all patients are not suitable for bariatric surgery. There are many hospitals offering Weight Loss Surgery and treatments in Nigeria, but you should be aware of the following factors before opting for one.

• Weight loss surgery is for people who have a Body Mass Index (BMI) more than 32.5 and is suffering from other obesity-related conditions (diabetes, heart disease etc). All of these will be determined by your General Surgeon.

• Surgery is considered when all other weight loss solutions have failed to yield any result.

• Post surgery you should be prepared to make some lifestyle changes and willing to undergo regular check-ups to prolong your wellbeing.

Life after surgery
Weight loss surgery involves surgery of or around your stomach to reduce your appetite leading to absorption of lesser calories. It can drastically reduce a large amount of your body weight. But you should prepare yourself for the life post-surgery to get the best results. Here’s what follows once you have done the procedure.

• Changes in diet – Patients undergoing bariatric surgery have to follow a liquid diet for the first few days after surgery and maintain a healthy balanced diet, recommended by their physician for the rest of their life. This can mean missing out on some of the favorite food. So you should be prepared to deal with such changes.

• Changes in lifestyle – After you have undergone bariatric surgery, you have to make healthier life choices, like giving up smoking and drinking to prevent gaining weight again.

• Exercise –
Regular exercises for the rest of your life are also quite important to maintain your weight after the surgery.

• Regular check-ups –
You have to routinely follow up with your doctor and follow his/her suggestions as needed.

Weight Loss Surgery procedures in Nigeria or Bariatric surgery is not the easy way out as expected by many patients. You have to follow the General Surgeon’s advice thoroughly to get prolonged results. Also, you should discuss the associated risks with your doctor before taking a decision. Nevertheless, bariatric surgery is extremely beneficial when performed by efficient doctors as it can not only reduce the excess body weight but also cure all the related conditions like diabetes (type 2), sleep apnoea, heart diseases, high blood pressure etc.
Primus Hospital is the Best Hospital for advanced Bariatric Surgery Treatments in Nigeria with their excellent team of General Surgeons and scientific methods. If you are concerned about your excess body weight, consultation with their best weight management experts can help you get the most effective solution with the promise of a healthier life.
Original Source:

Friday 15 February 2019

How to Prevent Kidney Stones?

Kidney stones can give you the worst kind of stomach ache you can come across. They can make you suffer for days and leave you drained out if you ignore them for long. Since prevention is always better than cure, let us suggest a few ways in which you can prevent kidney stones from happening in the first place.
  • Drink lots of water-
To prevent kidney stones you must stay hydrated all the time. Drink at least 10 glasses of water every day to flush out the toxins from the kidney. Drinking less water produces less urine which in turn cannot dissolve the urine salts. Lesser urine output means these kidney salts will get deposited in the kidneys and form stones. This is why it is important to drink loads of water and fluids during the day to flush out these toxins that can form kidney stones. People who exercise or are involved in sports need to drink additional fluids. You should also drink lemon juice and orange juice as they help to prevent stones.

  • Eat foods containing calcium-
Calcium oxalate is one commonly found kidney stone. These kinds of stones can form if you eat a calcium deficient diet. This is why you should eat more calcium rich foods. However, eating calcium supplements may increase the risk of having kidney stones. Include low fat milk, yoghurt and such calcium rich foods in your daily diet.

  • Limit your sodium intake-
To prevent kidney stones it is also important to have not have foods too high on sodium. Having too salty foods prevents the calcium present in the urine from getting reabsorbed in blood. This leads to high accumulation of calcium in urine which later gives rise to kidney stones. Reducing sodium intake helps to keep calcium content in urine lower and thus the risk of having kidney stones too is reduced. You should mostly avoid food containing monosodium glutamate, canned or preserved foods and processed stuff like chips.

  • Eat less protein-
Eating more animal protein is not good for kidney stone. These foods are highly acidic and increase chances of having calcium oxalate stones in the kidney. Limit your intake of red meat like mutton, pork and beef and also eat limited quantities of fish and chicken.

  • Limit quantity of oxalate-rich foods-
Kidney stones are also formed by a compound called oxalate that binds with the calcium in the urine to form stones. Having foods rich in this natural compound may increase risks of having kidney stones. Eat foods like spinach, coffee, beet, sweet potatoes and soy products in limited quantity as they are rich in oxalate.

  • Treatment of kidney diseases:-
Nigeria has the best infrastructural facilities when it comes to kidney treatment. Primus Hospital is the best known kidney stone removal hospital in Nigeria. Here you can be guided about the most suitable medicinal or surgical treatment needed for your kidney stone condition. The Nephrology department here has the best Urologist and diagnostic techniques for all kinds of kidney diseases. Here you can also find the best dialysis centre in Nigeria that cares for patients round the clock and handles all kinds of critical patients in need of immediate treatment. Successful kidney transplants under the supervision of trained surgeons make this the best kidney transplant hospital in Abuja. The success records in complex cases of kidney transplantation have given several patients a healthy life again. Primus Hospital has earned its reputation by its comprehensive care and services to all patients over the years and has emerged to be the best kidney transplant hospital in Nigeria.

Original Source:

Monday 31 December 2018

Herniated Disc Surgery

The primary goal of treatment for each patient is to help relieve pain and other symptoms resulting from the herniated disc. To achieve this goal, each patient’s treatment plan should be individualized based on the source of the pain, the severity of pain and the specific symptoms that the patient exhibits.

Herniated Disc Surgery-Primus International Hospital

In general, patients usually are advised to start with a course of conservative care (non-surgical) prior to considering spine surgery for a herniated disc. Whereas this is true in general, for some patients early surgical intervention is beneficial. For example, when a patient has progressive major weakness in the arms or legs due to nerve root pinching from a herniated disc, having surgery sooner can stop any neurological progression and create an optimal healing environment for the nerve to recover. In such cases, without surgical intervention, nerve loss can occur and the damage may be permanent.
There are also a few relatively rare conditions that require immediate surgical intervention. For example, cauda equina syndrome, which is usually marked by progressive weakness in the legs and/or sudden bowel or bladder dysfunction, requires prompt medical care and surgery.
Conservative and Surgical Treatments
For lumbar and cervical herniated discs, conservative (non-surgical) treatments can usually be applied for around four to six weeks to help reduce pain and discomfort. A process of trial and error is often necessary to find the right combination of treatments. Patients may try one treatment at a time or may find it helpful to use a combination of treatment options at once. For example, treatments focused on pain relief (such as medications) may help patients better tolerate other treatments (such as manipulation or physical therapy). In addition to helping with recovery, physical therapy is often used to educate patients on good body mechanics (such as proper lifting technique) which helps to prevent excessive wear and tear on the discs.
If conservative treatments are successful in reducing pain and discomfort, the patient may choose to continue with them. For those patients who experience severe pain and a high loss of function and don’t find relief from conservative treatments, surgery may be considered as an option.